Must-Read Advice For Anyone Considering Adopting A Dog

For many, the idea of adopting or ‘rescuing’ a dog carries with it a certain image. Some people mistakenly look at dog adoption as if it’s buying cheap, discounted or broken goods. But, according to an initiative between national dog adoption website and Butcher’s Pet Care, a UK family company that prides itself in having fed generations of family dog, with tasty recipes that are free from any artificial colours flavours or preservatives; nothing could be further from the truth.

As more and more dogs find themselves, through no fault of their own, inside the British dog shelter system, the image of the ‘rescue dog’ is in need of an update.

No longer are shelters the preserve of the ‘problem dog’, but they are packed with dogs of all types, from all manner of backgrounds. We’re now at our final top tip for new dog owners – we hope you’ve found your search for a new companion a truly great experience and are now well and truly ‘sold’ on the idea of adopting a dog but incase you’re still debating the issue we’d like to introduce some friends.

Tara Banana, an older Boxer girl was looking for a new home when she was discovered by The Townsend family.

Owner Darrell Townsend says, “ We had initially gone out to look for a companion for our 3 year old boxer Lola and was looking on the charity websites for a dog of similar breed and age when we came across and saw a video of Tara in all her glory, playing around as if she was still a pup!

My wife Vikki, our two girls (Olivia and Amy) and I, just fell in love with her. We pondered over whether Lola would be too active for 9 year old dog but Tara looked in good shape and seemed really playful, so we decided to enquire. Tara and Amy are inseparable and she always looks for her when she gets up in the morning and when she is due home from school. She has finally found a loving family and place she can call her forever home.”

Read more about her story @

Young puppy Rebecca, now Mutley, found herself looking for a new home at a time most dogs should be enjoying their start in life.

Aged 10-11 weeks old, this Collie cross girl found herself in the care of Dorset Dog Rescue when Lee Hersley discovered her on Lee was looking for another dog to join their family and had started looking at adoption as the perfect way to find a new dog. Owner Lee Hersley says, “We have nothing but fun together and she has settled into our family perfectly. She loves her new big sister Lucky, who has had to adjust to Mutley’s presence but has done so really well. At first Lucky was jealous but now she plays with Mutley every day and looks out for her when they are around other dogs.”
Read more about her story @

There are an estimated 100k dogs in adoption centres around Britain. Sometimes dogs arrive in rescue centres through natural causes such as owners passing away. Very often though dogs are simply abandoned for no other reason that poor decisions on behalf of hasty owners. Please, please, please take on board all of the information about what it takes to maintain a dog in a happy home. Dogs really are a lifelong commitment and they deserve the security of a stable home environment. You CAN get a superb, lifelong companion from a rescue…but be absolutely certain you are ready for the challenge. If you are, you will enjoy a relationship like no other!

But if you’d rather hear the stories from people who have adopted themselves, visit to read stories about wonderful dogs of all ages now happy in their new homes.

National Dog Adoption Month is running this September, be part of something special – bring joy, adopt a dog. Visit to find the dog of your dreams.

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